Jonathan can help you resolve your Family Court or our-of-court matter with the following services:

Critiquing assessments or Voice of the Child reports

Section 30 CLRA, Parenting Plan Assessments

Have a Section 30 CLRA, Section 98 CYFSA or Voice of the child report already that you are unhappy with? Jonathan can critique the report to help you and your lawyer in Family Court or to prepare for a trial or motion hearing. Jonathan has completed hundreds of assessments since 2006, when he began providing this service, and has worked for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer and the Kawartha Family Court Assessment Service in the past, both publicly funded organizations that provide family court assessments in Ontario. Because of his experience and expertise, Jonathan is well positioned to know what a good assessment looks like, versus a substandard assessment. Access his expertise if you are unhappy with an assessment and Jonathan can help you critique and challenge the report in family court.

Jonathan has been providing assessment services since 2006, and has been qualified by the Family Court as an expert witness on a number of topics, including parent-child attachment, the effects of domestic violence and other traumas on children and parents, parental capacity assessment, and custody and access assessments (now called parenting plan assessments). Section 30 assessments are an in-depth look at a child’s family environment and their relationships with their parents, siblings and the community. Jonathan can help resolve parenting disputes by providing his expert opinion on what is in the best interests of your children in a report. Parenting plan assessments can also be used during the Family Arbitration process or the collaborative Family Law. Contact Jonathan at to learn more about parenting plan assessments.

See below for the necessary forms.

Voice of the Child Reports

Jonathan can give your child or children the opportunity to have their voices heard in a Family Court matter, or an arbitration hearing. Research suggests that bringing the children’s voice to the dispute can help refocus parents on the best interests of their children and can help resolve disputes more quickly and effectively. Jonathan has over two decades’ experience in interviewing children and 14 years’ experience bringing their voice to Family Court. Voice of the Child reports can also be used during the Family Arbitration process. Contact Jonathan at to learn more about voice of the child reports.

See below for the necessary forms.

Forms for Assessments

Has an assessment or voice of the child report already been ordered by the Family Court, or have you agreed to an out-of-court assessment? Here are some forms that must be completed for either process before you get started:

Parenting Assessment Consent Form

Parenting Assessment Intake Form

Voice of the Child Consent Form

Voice of the Child Intake Form

Email these completed forms to Jonathan at

Costs of assessments:

Parenting plan assessments (formerly known as “custody & access assessments”) cost $10,000.00 for a family of up to two children, and an additional $750.00 for every additional child (e.g., a family with three children will cost $10,750.00). Additional fees may be charged if the family lives more than an hour’s drive from my home area, if additional interviews are required, and if there are any costs associated with accessing information from professionals (e.g., doctor’s letters, hospital records, etc.).

Voice of the Child reports cost $3,250.00 for up to two children, and $750.00 for every additional child over two.

Assessment critiques cost $250.00/hour and the number of hours depends on the amount of information received, and how much time is involved in providing the critique.